June 3rd, 2012

Second Batch Event
June 3rd, 2012
Clifton Center
Awarded funds:  $685
Winner:  Louisville Entertainment Theatre

Our Second Batch Event was a success!  If you didn't make it, here's what folks were talking about the next day...

79 people in attendance 
$685 in award funds 

Louisville Entertainment Theatre won the majority vote, and the $685 cash award, for their theatrical production of "Ain't No Massa Ova Me" which documents the experiences of slavery in America.  The presentation included a moving vignette from the full length production.

Learn more at www.louisvilleentertainment.net

Other Presenters:

Restorative Justice Louisville, Inc, a program that seeks to connect and unite juvenile offenders with the individuals they have harmed.  
Learn more and get involved at www.rjlouisville.org

Squallis Puppeteers, a local organization dedicated to the handmade and homespun, for their program entitled "Exquisite City".  
Learn more and get involved at www.squallispuppeteers.com

Update from Chenoweth Allen, winner from the January 29th Inaugural Event at the Water Tower:
"These middle school boys worked extremely hard on their comic project - it ended up taking us most of the semester to complete it.  They truly put themselves into their characters who ranged from men who could control water, to a person in jail who ended up being an NBA star basketball player, to a super strength hero who lost all his powers.  In only a cover image and four small frames, each boy gives us a glimpse into his hopes and fears, struggles and strengths.

Thank you so much for supporting West End School Art Therapy and the comic project.  Thanks to your generosity we had quality materials to work with and could afford to have the compilation of their work professionally published.  The West End School comic book is now in press and will be available at the next posSOUPbility event in the fall!

Thank you! - Chenoweth Allen"

Jacqueliine and Katie greet guests

What's your name--er...role?!

Guests sit round the table to make new friends.

In line for soup!

Presenters for Louisville Entertainment Theatre

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